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Hygiene Gone Wrong: Are you Making These 10 Common Mistakes?

Personal hygiene has become one of the most crucial aspects of daily life in our modern world.

To keep all harmful germs at bay, we use personal hygiene products such as hand sanitizers, wipes, disinfection solutions, and so on. Using all these products as good practices is no longer a choice; it is a need.

It is undeniably true that these items played important roles in our daily lives in limiting the transmission of germs and diseases. However, there is a risk that inappropriate use of these products will cause more harm than good.

  1. Excess Care of Hands

As our hands are the most fundamental part of our bodies that come into contact with many different parts of our bodies, keeping them clean and hygienic is necessary, but using too much soap or sanitizer can create skin problems. Frequently washing your hands with soap and hot water can strip them of their natural oils, resulting in dryness, cracking, and discomfort. So, it is highly recommended to wash your hands or sanitize it but only when it is required and not frequently. To be specific, wash your hands before eating or cooking or after using the washroom and when you come home from outside etc. Avoid touching commonly germ-infested surfaces and then touching your eyes, and mouth.  

Excess Care of Hands

  1. Brushing your Teeth Too Hard

People have the misperception that brushing aggressively is a good way to adequately clean their teeth. Brushing too hard can cause gum recession and enamel abrasion, which can lead to sensitivity and tooth structural loss.

Rather than scrubbing over time, use a soft-headed toothbrush to clean each nook of your mouth from different angles. Considering the sensitivity of your mouth area, brush gently and use appropriate and effective toothpaste.

  1. Neglecting Nail Hygiene

We usually wash our hands several times a day to remove germs, but many of us neglect to wash or clean our nails. If our hands are dirty, it is evident that our nails are unclean as well. While washing hands, the half surface of the nails may be cleaned, but the dirt beneath the nails remains.

That is because bacteria can readily enter our mouths when we put our fingers into our mouths while eating or when we touch our faces. Additionally, don't let your nails grow long enough to provide the dirt a place to live. So, trim your nails with a nail clipper, and always sterilise the clipper before using it.

  1. Taking your Phone to the Toilet

This could be a fantastic way to keep oneself engaged while in the bathroom. However, as you are aware, the bathroom serves as a breeding ground for germs, which can easily spread to other areas where you carry your phone, such as your bedroom, sofa, dining table, work desk, and even your car, as well as on your body.

Using your phone frequently and allowing it to partially pass through your face and ear while talking can cause your entire family, including yourself, to become ill and come into contact with innocuous microorganisms.

  1. Using Expired Products

We sometimes forget to check the expiry date of the product we are purchasing, or the item may expire at home due to not being used on time, but we prefer not to throw it because we spent money on it. Using products after their expiration date may result in skin irritation, infection, or a decline in their effectiveness.

These things might range from groceries to cosmetics, medicine to disinfectants; make sure you avoid using them after they have expired. When buying items, remember to check the expiry date beforehand, ensuring that you consume or use them before they expire.

  1. Using Wipes on Sensitive Skin

Wipes are designated for specific functions, such as hand wipes, which should only be used on hands, and the same applies to the various disinfection wipes.  Conversely, utilizing wipes that are designed for a specific function but used for other areas or purposes can cause skin irritation due to different compositions.

Women using wipes on sensitive skin

So, only use the wipes for the area or purpose intended, for example, if it is genital wipes, only use them for that portion, and if it is antibacterial wipes for the face, only use them on the face.

  1. Products that are Not Properly Sealed

Each product has its own packing method to ensure its longevity and benefits. Sometimes, we forget to verify the seal properly, which causes the product to perform poorly or not at all. For example, failing to properly seal wet wipes can result in dried-out wipes that are ineffective, and buying a hand sanitizer with a broken seal can result in not effectively killing germs, since it includes alcohol, that can become diluted when it comes into contact with air. The same is true for all other things, including food and cosmetics.

  1. Avoiding "Good" Bacteria

Not all bacteria are harmful! There are trillions of beneficial bacteria in our bodies that help to enhance our digestive and immune systems. Few products, such as yogurt and fermented foods, include probiotics that can help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria. As a result, ignoring these beneficial bacteria might lead to digestive and immune system problems.

  1. Neglecting Your Cleaning Tools and Areas

Disinfecting your cleaning tools and the place where you clean is also necessary! We utilise sponges, dishcloths, toothbrush holders, floor cleaning buckets, wiping cloths, and other cleaning supplies. We frequently forget to clean them, which can serve as a breeding ground for germs throughout your home and onto you.

man carry home cleaning disinfection products

Even after cleaning the filthy dishes and utensils, we forget to clean the kitchen sink. To avoid the spread of germs, sanitise certain areas on a regular basis and disinfect or replace cleaning tools.

  1. Overbathing

Bathing is essential in our daily lives because it removes dirt, sweat, oil, dead skin, and bacteria from our skin, allowing it to breathe and stay hygienic. At the same time, you must not overdo this step in the mistaken belief that overbathing will keep you more fresh or healthier.

Bathing for an extended period is really detrimental for your hair and skin since it strips the natural lipids from your skin and scalp, leaving them dry and itchy.


This is not the end of the list of mistakes we do, using harsh detergent powder to clean clothing nicely, failing to read the ingredient list in the product before using, wiping sweat with hands and then touching the face, sharing personal hygiene products with others, using disinfectant wipes on food contact surfaces, disposing of wipes incorrectly, ignoring allergies and sensitivities, using multiple products simultaneously, using harsh wipes on delicate surfaces, not allowing proper drying time after using wipes or sanitizer, leaving food outside for an extended period of time before eating, and so on.

As a result, making all these typical blunders in our daily lives is extremely prevalent. Recognising and doing it correctly will assist you in developing a hygiene habit that will keep you and your entire family clean and thriving. Remember that hygiene is about striking the appropriate balance for a healthier, happier you, rather than just focusing on cleanliness.

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